Saturday, October 24, 2015

Manifested A beautiful Guess watch!!

 I would go out looking at Guess watches and it surprisingly manifested as a gift. One of the signs I overlooked was my brother also recieving a Guess watch for his Birthday before me haha. Right now, I am feeling like I'm in a wave of cosmic flow. My thoughts are manifesting really fast and my desires are starting to shoot out of the vortex. Yippee 

Friday, September 18, 2015

741 hz Meditation? What Have I Been Missing?

All I can say is WOW. This morning as I got ready to meditate, I just felt the sudden urge to try a new frequency of the solffegio scale, 741 hz, being that I usually stick to 528 hz. It took a while to fully surrender my body into a deep meditative state due to the cool air blasting through my nostrils from the air conditioner. So I turned the back of my chair to face away from the air conditioner. That still didn't work as I can still feel the tingling sensations in my nostrils ready to explode into a big sneeze. So, I decided to close the room door to shut off the flow of air completely. I went back to my chair, sat down and within 2 minutes I was swept away by a very deep relaxation. I started to feel the flow of my energetic body as my physical body went numb. Then this rush of lightness swept over me. I basked in this ecstasy for about 10 minutes. I have really been missing out on this amazing frequency. I felt the increased intensity of this higher frequency. I am so excited to do it all over again tomorrow. What is your favorite solfeggio scale?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Everyone Is Mirroring Your Beliefs

People only treat you the way you treat yourself. When you change the way you treat yourself, then the people in your life will either treat you differently or they will magically disappear out of your life and be replaced with new people because your frequency has shifted. When someone doesn't treat you the way you treat yourself, they will seem crazy and you won't find them as offensive. Its like Bashar explains "if you're wearing a red shirt and someone walks up to you and yells in disgust that they hate your yellow shirt, you will think that person is crazy because you know for sure that your shirt is red". So cutting people out of your life without adjusting your beliefs system is very backwards because you will only attract new people who treat you the same way the people you cut off did or those same people will creep back into your life and create a never ending cycle.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Top 3 Practices To Have The Best Day Ever

I notice when I get a hold of my vibration in the morning before doing anything else, my day goes very smoothly and if I do hit a rough patch I am able to pivot back into a higher frequency much faster. Those first precious moments in the morning really determines the direction of energy for the day. When I learned of the power of vibration, it made me cringed when I remembered starting my day watching horrifying stories from the news. I see why I would go through my like a yoyo and felt powerless when it came to my emotions. So, since becoming conscious of my emotions being a guidance system for what I am attracting in every moment, I developed a powerful routine I follow most mornings.


   Every morning I'm up by 6:30 taking my dog, Benji for a walk. It's so funny because I used to have this same routine of getting outside before he manifested in my experience. It just always felt good to do. I love the earlier morning sounds of the birds chirping away, being nature's music. I use this time to practice gratitude and I also take about 5 minutes practicing deep breaths. One thing I love the most is witnessing the beauty of the sunrise. It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


As of now, I am using 528 hz frequency to meditate. My meditations are usually switched up every few weeks or so. Meditation allows me to relax more throughout my day. Which helps my vibration stay afloat. I find these meditations on youtube. I do it for about 10-20 minutes from my tablet with headphones.


My exercise routine varies, sometimes I'm doing Pilates, strength, cardio, but as of now I am doing Yoga. I recently started the 30 days of Yoga with Adrienne from YouTube. Yoga is a super spiritual form of exercise. I love the deep breaths, flowing movements, and dynamic stretches that Yoga entails. After Yoga I feel so refreshed and energized. I can feel the burst of energy flowing through my body throughout the day and my body is fully stretched and relaxed.









Friday, August 7, 2015

How to attract a loving relationship


Saturday, July 25, 2015


Strangely I've noticed that everything I desired and intended manifested when I was no longer focused upon it. I know it sounds very paradoxical because it's been beaten in our heads that you must focus upon the things you wish to attract. Ironically, too much focus can knock you out of sync with your desires putting you on the frequency of absence. From my studies, I've learned from Bashar's teachings that the complete mechanism of manifestation is 'Intention and Surrender'. After coming to this realization, I questioned, Isn't letting go like giving up? How can I stop thinking about something I want so badly? So here are ways to Surrender or let go.

1. Stop Thinking About The Process
    Leave the how/when/who up to the natural workings of nature. You deplete precious energy trying to figure things out. Learning that our physical mind wasn't design to manipulate intangible energy but rather perceive the results bought so much relief to me. I felt so much lighter like a heavy burden was released from my consciousness. It also feels joyful because we all know how stressful it can be sitting for hours overthinking and conjuring plan after plan. When a desire comes to fruition, I'm like "Aha I would've never guessed that". And it's true.

2. Focus Upon A New Desire
    Use this time to direct your magical energy towards something else while your bun is baking in the oven haha, figuratively speaking. Silly me used to think I can only intend one thing at a time. Remember, every manifestation requires intention, so go back to your workshop of creation and get busy. Affirm, believe, release, repeat.

3. Have Fun
    Do whatever feels good to you now. Relax and play more. Use this time to indulge in your favorite activities. Watch your favorite shows. Feeling good now is the frequency of receiving. The more fun you are having, the faster your desires are manifesting.