Friday, May 20, 2016

Cultivating Self Love Under A Beautiful Sunset

All I can say is WOW, this photo was taken at a sunset beach meditation meet up with Universal Iris and others. This was after our first guided meditation interval. The sky was so beautiful with the different array of colors that almost everyone pulled out their cameras to capture it. This was my second time doing meditation as a group and I definitely felt the oneness. Being right next to the ocean made it even better. Listening to the soft gentle flow of the ocean waves, the sand between my toes and the fresh ocean scent, all while being guided by a sweet gentle voice into deeper realms of consciousness is an experience I treasure. This is my type of "turn up" (giggles). I am a proud spirit junkie!
 I loved the focus of yesterday's meditation: Self Love. I feel like it is the highest form of vibration you can hold. It was amazing hearing everyone share their perspective on self love and how they cultivate it.

How I Cultivate Self Love

- Allowing myself to experience negative emotion without guilt or suppression
- Forgiving myself and others
- Gratitude for my inner being
- Having a good hygienic practice

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Allowing Hunches

So after reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow rich a few years ago, and he spoke of allowing hunches to flow through you from the subconscious mind, I have been open with my imagination to receive innovative ideas that can serve both humanity and myself positively. Lately, this past year, I have been manifesting articles and people who received hunches in the most creative ways and acted upon it to go on and become a huge success while bringing tremendous value to humanity at the same time.
The latest story I was inspired by is of Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx. In an interview with CNN, she stated that before the birth of her idea, she wrote down in her journal that she wanted an idea that would sell to millions of people and the product would make people feel good. Out of frustration of how her cellulite looked in white pants, she cut out the feet of her pantyhose and thus the idea of Spanx was born. Pretty impressive, Right!
Reading all these stories are further confirming my intention to be a full receiver of the amazing ideas floating in the ether.
Right now, I am just acting on ideas that come to me without a particular end result. So right now, I have a metaphysical YouTube channel, and the past 2 week I had two vivid dreams of me recording myself fixing my hair and posting it to YouTube. It's such a synchronicity because hair care has been another passion of mines for the past few years and the camera I use now was supposed to be for a hair care YouTube channel I was too afraid to start 3 years ago haha.
So I acted upon it, opened a second YouTube account and uploaded two hair videos so far. How this is serving me, where it will take me and what purpose it has? I don't know. But that's the beauty being the ebb and flow. I just know it felt good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Universe Doesn't Care

Sometimes we tend to give the universe all of these human attributes forgetting that it's just energy that is unemotional acting as a mirror to our state of being in every moment. So when you say "I don't know why the universe is doing this" or "the universe isn't fair towards me",  it's really you doing it to yourself and you're seeing the physical manifestations of the frequency you are emitting.

So remember when you are experiencing something that doesn't resonate with you, go within and shift your frequency by adopting a new belief about the situation instead of blaming and placing your power out of your control.

Monday, May 2, 2016

I'm Back!!

So I am back and feeling good in the neighborhood haha. I have to be honest that I have been so caught up in creating weekly content for my youtube channel that I forgot that I even had a blog, sounds crazy right? My latest video so far

 I just happened to be looking through someone else's website, clicked on blogger and I ended up here and felt inspired to make a post of my own, perfect synchronicity. I love inspired action, it just makes life so effortless. So I really want to be more consistent and use this space as a place to allow my thoughts to flow freely. Its almost like having a digital diary. I will start with having a post written at least once a week. I don't have a specific day yet, right now I'm just allowing. Abundance and ease to all :)